Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Innovation Infographics

Last week my daughter attended a STEM camp at Loyola University in Chicago.  As we walked through the Lake Shore Campus, we found many signs that described the landscaping design.  I plan on sharing these examples with my students during Innovation Hour.  They are eye-friendly infographics that explain in clear language the thought process that went into an eco-friendly design.

As innovators, we want our work to begin with empathy.   Students need to understand the audience for whom they are designing, while also considering the impact on plants, animals, and the environment.

Reading these signs made me wonder what impact our decades-old school buildings have on the environment.  What steps could we take as a class to improve the environmental impact of the current building design?  Are we affecting plants, wildlife, or the air quality in our neighborhoods?  These questions would be great ones to pose and address as part of an environmental study PBL or as part of an independent study project.  It would also provide an opportunity to connect with community-based organizations that focus on environmental topics.

Have you found infographic examples that demonstrate empathy in the design process to share with your students?

1 comment:

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